Bible Blog Inspirational

The breath of God

I am so glad the expanse of sky isn’t a commodity. Whether you are the richest man on this planet or the poorest of us all, we all share the same view. There is no charge to pay. It’s man, in his greediness and what he believes to be great wisdom, discovered the currency and the exchange of value. God never did that. He gave it all for free – including His very son through whom we have the gift of salvation. What a faithful and loving God we serve?

Recently, I’ve been chatting with a good friend of mine. We were talking about the places we wanted to visit in future. Quite recently, I’ve been intrigued by something I’ve found online. It’s this place called Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort. The pictures on their website just amaze me. This was something I’ve always enjoyed including the starry galaxies. When we camp outside, I usually look up into the night sky; mesmerised at the beauty of God’s creation.

The Bible tells us that these stars are created by the breath of God (Psalms 33:6). He breaths these starry hosts into existence. Think about it for a second. What a might God we serve? We are so insignificant when we compare ourselves with his creation but in His sight, we are quite the opposite. We are the most significant part of His creation. In fact, all the things we see around us, were created just for us. Thank you Lord for your unfailing love for the mankind.

Bible Blog Inspirational

Remain in the vine

Ever felt like you’re always being watched? If your answer was “No”…that’s no good. Because, you SHOULD feel like you’re being watched all the time. You see God is always watching over us along with the heavenly hosts. That might be comforting to know but what I am about to say might not be. You see, the evil one is always watching over you too. He never takes a break for He knows his time is short on this earth. He doesn’t like to leave God’s people alone.

In the area of Information Technology, there is a profession out there informaly known as “White Hat Hackers”. A formal name for it may be Cyber Security Professionals. They’re quite similar to any other hackers out there except their intentions are different, which seperates them out from the rest. They do it for the good of the company or business they are working for. They try to find loop holes within a computer system or a software before the hackers do. That’s their full-time job. 

Think of the Evil one as the hackers of this world – Persistently trying to break-in, intrude, steal, cause loss, and damage. It says in John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy…” (NIV). He is always on the look-out for your weaknessses. He knows them very well and will do whatever it takes to use it against you and destroy your life. The bigger the threat you are to him, the more carefully he seems to watch you.

Now think of Holy Spirit – a White Hat Hacker. He is always wanting to look out for you by pointing out your weaknesses, intrusion points, and parts where your enemies can infiltrate you. He is always working in your favor. He wants to help you stay safe and secure. The more we listen to his advice (still small voice), the better off we are. He never enforces his opinion on us. He only presents it to us that we might make a choice. 

Therefore, we ought to remain in the vine. It says in John 15:4, “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” (NIV). The moment you start to ignore His advices, its time to watch your own back. You’re asking for trouble. 

We need to learn to listen to the Holy Spirit’s voice and simply obey.

Image Credit: Pixshark

Bible Blog

God’s Not Dead 

I had such a great time this evening watching the movie – ‘God’s not dead’ with my family. If you haven’t watched it yet, you should definitely take time to watch it.

The movie showcases unique characters who all get to know about Jesus in one way or another by one man’s stand for God. Many times, we’re faced with situations quite similar to what this young man in the movie faced and our actions might not always be the same. 

We need to stand up in what we believe in and be ready to defend our faith. If we as Christians can’t answer some simple questions or know things in the Bible, How can we stand as a witness or be able to face the world. The world is looking for answers but they don’t know that all they need is an answer – Jesus.

The world is changing. People are less accepting of our faith, less tolerant, and ignorant. It’s at these times we’ve been left with someone very precious – the Holy Spirit. 

We need to learn to rely on that still small voice. When we do that, beautiful things begin to take place. Our God is a living God and he deserves all the glory, honor and praise. Let’s give Him all He deserves.

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Bible Blog

Uncovering God’s Word

I found this through the Bible App on one of their bible plans.

Ask – God to connect with you here. In prayer, start by slowing down, inviting God to be present. Begin with focus and openness to see what God has for you.

Read – the selection section of Scripture slowly. Take note of the words and phrases that intrigue you, reading them a second time if necessary.

Reflect – on what grabs you. What connections do you see at this point in your life? How might God be speaking to you through these words? Stop long enough to let this take root and thank God for encouraging you.

Respond – to the scripture. Speak directly to God about what’s on your mind and heart. Look for ways to live out what you’ve uncovered – individually and with your church. And look for ways to bring what you have discovered to others.

Bible Inspirational

Why pray?

I heard so many messages about having a strong prayer life. People always talked about its importance but what I never heard is why its important to pray in practical sense.

Pray keeps our minds calms. Just like the food we eat, we need to pray everyday. Whether we are disappointed and when we’re over the moon. Our feelings shouldn’t matter and prayer should never stop.

We must pray continually as its our only source of strength in times of trouble. All may fail but prayer will never. Prayer keeps our heart aligned with God. Without prayer, we lose focus.

The best example I can think of is driving a car. When you loose focus on the road, you’re bound to crash. Sometimes we have brief moments to get our focus back on track to avoid crashing into something.

Likewise, without prayer, we loose focus. We are going to crash. Bible clearly emphasizes that this is just our journey. Let’s get to the other side focusing on Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Don’t forget to pray. David was a very rich king. Yet, he wasn’t known for that but rather for being someone who did according to what God had desired. He was a man after God’s own heart.

That’s my desire and I hope you have such a desire too.