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Against All Odds…

Life often puts us in situations where you think, “Now that’s just next to Impossible!”. Remember, these are the times when God proves Himself. It is amazing how you feel like God never comes to rescue when you can change things with your own strength. He only steps into the scene when you’ve given up; have no hope for it whatsoever. It’s when you say, “There is no way I can do it!”. This is the time He steps into the scene and says “That’s why I am here!”. I have seen this happen time and time again. His ways are so different to ours.

These days, when I know something just can’t happen…I am reminded of this verse in the bible “…Is anything too hard for me?” (Jeremiah 32:27). As of now, I feel like whatever I am in, It is impossible for things to change. I feel like they are irreversible. I know for sure that there is no way I can do something to change things around. It’s out of my hands. But if I had to answer the question God poses to each of us, I would say “No!”. Nothing is hard for the Lord!

Believe in the Impossible…Have a little Faith! Hold on to what you once thought was just not possible because God is about to change that. If it’s God will, He will make it come to pass. His words are too powerful. When He says something, It doesn’t come back to him empty. It is done!



“A short but heartful prayer gives more credit to God than a long and hypocritical one”

Bible Inspirational

What you say and What God says?

You say: “It’s impossible ”
God says: All things are possible

You say: ” I am too tired”
God says: I will give you rest.

You say: ” Nobody really loves me”
God says: I love you

You say: ” I can’t go on”
God says: My grace is sufficient

You say: “I can’t figure things out”
God says: I will direct your steps

You say: ” I can’t do it”
God says: You can do all things

You say: ” I am not able”
God says: I am able

You say:” It’s not worth it”
God says: It will be worth it

You say: ” I can’t forgive myself”
God says: I forgive you

You say: ” I can’t manage”
God says: I will supply all your needs

You say: ” I’m afraid ”
God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear

You say: ” I am always worried and frustrated”
God says: Cast all your cares on me

You say: ” I don’t have enough faith ”
God says: I have given everyone a measure of faith

You say: ” I am not smart enough”
God says: I give you wisdom

You say: ” I feel all alone”
God says: i will never leave you or forsake you

Believe God is there just for you 🙂