Bible Blog

Childlike Faith

I was talking to my little 9-year-old cousin the other day. After observing how passionate I was about aircraft, she said to me, I know you’ll buy that big aircraft one day. Then, we will all go to some nice place and enjoy ourselves. I scoffed and said, Sure!

I am the type of person who loves seeing other people happy. That’s what makes me happy. So usually, when little kids say something, I try my best to make it happen. So deep inside I was thinking, how am I ever going to afford that 100 million dollar plane. And even if I could, why would I want to spend it on an aircraft of that size. I started thinking through the finer details of how you need an ATPL license to fly something that big, the amount of fuel it requires, the cost involved in maintaining it and so on. All these thoughts were perfectly aligned to prove how impossible it is for her scenario to play out in the real world.

I think this is why Jesus welcomed the little children and I suppose He wanted us to have faith just like them. For my little cousin, this was very much feasible. She didn’t think about the costs, practicality, viability, or the possibility. She just said it with a good heart and intention. I think this is what we should do when God promises us things. We have a father who is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. He has made everything that you see around you just by speaking it out. His breath brings stars to life!!! How awesome is that? And how big is our God? As grown ups, I think we sometimes forget how powerful and awesome our God really is. Maybe it’s about time we take Him at His word. Do you really think your big problems are hard for Him to solve? Is there anything too hard for our God? No, nothing!

So, stop worrying about how things are going to play out or what happens next or where things will go for you in your life. The God who holds this universe together in one piece is also holding your life together. He is a loving God because His word tells us that He has our names engraved on the palm of His hands (Isaiah 49:16). Just pause and think about that for a second. What an amazing God we serve? So I say, leave the finer details to Him, blindly trust Him and know what He said, He will do.

He knows the best and as someone once told me, “God’s got this!”.

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Inspirational Quote


“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase…The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

Blog Inspirational

Pray with Faith

Is it any wonder that, when we stagger at any promise of God through unbelief, we do not receive it? Not that faith merits an answer, or in any way earns it, or works it out; but God has made believing a condition of receiving, and the Giver has a sovereign right to choose His own terms of gift. – Rev. Samuel Hart

I asked God for a good friend but God in His great favor gave me someone amazing – Anna. God works in mysterious ways folks. Pray with Faith and Pray without ceasing. “Nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer except that which lies outside the will of God”. Feel free to use the image as you please as I own the full rights to it. God bless!