Bible Videos

Spirit Lead Me

This is my worship
This is my offering
In every moment
I withhold nothing
I’m learning to trust You
Even when I can’t see it
And even in suffering
I have to believe it

If You say “it’s wrong”, then I’ll say “no”
If You say “release”, I’m letting go
If You’re in it with me, I’ll begin
And when You say to jump, I’m diving in
If You say “be still”, then I will wait
If You say to trust, I will obey
I don’t wanna follow my own ways
I’m done chasing feelings
Spirit lead me

[Verse 2]
It felt like a burden
But once I could grasp it
You took me further
Further than I was asking
And simply to see You
It’s worth it all
My life is an altar
Let Your fire fall


Never Forget Where You Started

Yesterday, I received this beautiful set of business cards designed and printed in the UK by a company called Moo (I know it sounds funny). Moo is renowned for their exceptional quality in printing luxurious business cards. They won quite a number of awards so if you are looking for some quality business cards, then you should definitely check them out. Seeing these cards with that glistening gold foil design has really made my day (Going with Trump Style – Gold in Everything 😉 ). Even their packaging was absolutely top-notch.

I ended up showing it to my dad. He thinks that I was wasting money on useless things (This is his usual comment on most of the things I do haha). Anyway, I was saying my prayers just as I was about to head to bed and I felt like God brought to my remembrance the days when I first got into this work. We are looking back 7 years ago when I got my first set of business cards printed for my web design business. They were thin, low GSM, low-cost, and low-quality cards that were there purely there for someone to get in touch. It met my purpose and so I went for it. In fact, I didn’t know if my business was going to do well or not in those early days so I got a deal that VistaPrint was doing at that time ($9.99 for 250 Business Cards). The downside was that they advertised their services on the backside. I remember handing those out to my potential customers.

As I was thinking of those days, I ended up getting a little emotional. I felt so thankful to God for bringing me to where I am now. Slowly but surely. Its always good to remind ourselves of where we come from and where we started of. It keeps us humble, focused, and close to God. Because, truth be told, if it wasn’t for God, I wouldn’t have got this far. He showed me His faithfulness despite me constantly failing Him. Do not forget your humble beginnings lest you feel proud in your heart and lest you think that it was your own strength/skills/abilities that you got to where you are now. Praise Him when you are on the mountain top and praise Him when you are going through the furnace to be shaped and moulded into his liking.

Most of all, never place your trust on things that never last – money, fame, and things of this world. One day you might have plenty of it and the next day you might be the poorest man in town. Things that never change is what you should always give you undivided attention to – God, Family, and Friends. They are the ones who will love you no matter where you are in life, whether you earn thousands or nothing at all, whether you have a mansion or live on the street. Always work hard not so you can live a luxurious life but so you can lend a hand to those in need.

God is good…All the time!

PS. I might sound a little controversial here talking about lending hands while ordering “quality” business cards. I have done this to please those people who look at your business card to measure your success rather than the actual work you perform 😉 Unfortunately, there are still a lot of those “types” around.

Blog News

Listed on Softpedia!

What an awesome surprise?

Today, I received an email stating that one of our business apps – Email Verifier App has been published on one of the world largest download website – Softpedia. This website has been around as far as I can remember and it takes months to get listed. Thank you, Lord! I am so glad we are on it. Time to celebrate 🙂

Bible Blog

Childlike Faith

I was talking to my little 9-year-old cousin the other day. After observing how passionate I was about aircraft, she said to me, I know you’ll buy that big aircraft one day. Then, we will all go to some nice place and enjoy ourselves. I scoffed and said, Sure!

I am the type of person who loves seeing other people happy. That’s what makes me happy. So usually, when little kids say something, I try my best to make it happen. So deep inside I was thinking, how am I ever going to afford that 100 million dollar plane. And even if I could, why would I want to spend it on an aircraft of that size. I started thinking through the finer details of how you need an ATPL license to fly something that big, the amount of fuel it requires, the cost involved in maintaining it and so on. All these thoughts were perfectly aligned to prove how impossible it is for her scenario to play out in the real world.

I think this is why Jesus welcomed the little children and I suppose He wanted us to have faith just like them. For my little cousin, this was very much feasible. She didn’t think about the costs, practicality, viability, or the possibility. She just said it with a good heart and intention. I think this is what we should do when God promises us things. We have a father who is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. He has made everything that you see around you just by speaking it out. His breath brings stars to life!!! How awesome is that? And how big is our God? As grown ups, I think we sometimes forget how powerful and awesome our God really is. Maybe it’s about time we take Him at His word. Do you really think your big problems are hard for Him to solve? Is there anything too hard for our God? No, nothing!

So, stop worrying about how things are going to play out or what happens next or where things will go for you in your life. The God who holds this universe together in one piece is also holding your life together. He is a loving God because His word tells us that He has our names engraved on the palm of His hands (Isaiah 49:16). Just pause and think about that for a second. What an amazing God we serve? So I say, leave the finer details to Him, blindly trust Him and know what He said, He will do.

He knows the best and as someone once told me, “God’s got this!”.

Image Credit:

Blog Interesting

Against All Odds…

Life often puts us in situations where you think, “Now that’s just next to Impossible!”. Remember, these are the times when God proves Himself. It is amazing how you feel like God never comes to rescue when you can change things with your own strength. He only steps into the scene when you’ve given up; have no hope for it whatsoever. It’s when you say, “There is no way I can do it!”. This is the time He steps into the scene and says “That’s why I am here!”. I have seen this happen time and time again. His ways are so different to ours.

These days, when I know something just can’t happen…I am reminded of this verse in the bible “…Is anything too hard for me?” (Jeremiah 32:27). As of now, I feel like whatever I am in, It is impossible for things to change. I feel like they are irreversible. I know for sure that there is no way I can do something to change things around. It’s out of my hands. But if I had to answer the question God poses to each of us, I would say “No!”. Nothing is hard for the Lord!

Believe in the Impossible…Have a little Faith! Hold on to what you once thought was just not possible because God is about to change that. If it’s God will, He will make it come to pass. His words are too powerful. When He says something, It doesn’t come back to him empty. It is done!