Bible Interesting

Greg Laurie Quotes – Harvest Auckland 2011

“Money can buy you bed but it cant buy you sleep, it can buy you a house but it cant buy you a home, it can buy you medicines but it cant buy you good health, it can buy you amusement but it cant buy you happiness…”

“In turkey more than 4000 Sheep fell off the cliff and it all started when one of the sheep fell first and the others simply followed…”

Only Jesus Christ can satisfy that longing in your heart and he is the ONLY way. We all like sheep have gone astray but Jesus, a Shepherd is calling me and you to himself that he might save us from the eternal hell and give us life more abundant.

External Links Interesting

Visual Archive of your Social Life – Intel Museum

I just found this amazing application through one of my friends. Once you connect through your Facebook account, this application creates a beautiful video of all your comments, pictures, videos put together. I thought it was AWESOME! Let me know what you think of it!

Intel® The Museum of Me.

Bible Interesting

Psalm 62:1 – Promise

I’ve been given a small gift from my dad recently. Its a small standalone board that has a beautiful ‘out in the cold’ background. It also has a bible verse on it….

Truly my soul waiteth upon God; from him cometh my salvation.” – Psalm 62:1

It’s always right before my computer and It remembers me to ‘wait‘ upon God in midst of all life’s worries. I hope and trust it will be an encouragement to you as it is to me.

Bible Interesting

Abraham Lincoln’s River Crossing

Today at Church of Christ New Zealand, our pastor (Peter Hargreaves) was talking about the King David and how even in midst of storm in his life, he has learned to trust God (Psalm 56). While illustrating this idea further, he told us about a story on Abraham Lincoln. Before becoming the president of United States of America, he was something else (dont remember exactly). Back then, they didnt have cars so they would travel by horses.

While traveling, one would have to cross through many obstacles such as rivers. The currents were becoming only greater while Abraham Lincoln and his men were crossing. They feared of this one big river that was way up ahead on their path named the ‘Fox‘ river. Night has dawned, so they took shelter at a near-by place where they met one of the minister who is renowned for travelling around the country.

So they asked him about the ‘Fox’ river that was up ahead in expectation of a helpful tip. This man looked at them and said, ‘I will never cross it until I reach it!

What a wise answer? We seem to worry about life and the possible outcomes even before we are in such situation. That’s exactly why Jesus said, today has enough burden of its own and not to worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6:34).

External Links Funny Interesting Videos

Video: Mosquito filling up its tummy

I found this video posted on one of my friends wall and I’ve never seen a video so explicitly showing how those blood suckers transform from empty stomach in the morning to obese fat paps in 1 minute. Do you think they would continue sucking blood after this?

Videos Posted by Amazing Videos عجيب ولي واقعي: Amazing Videos”نیش پشه”.