
Hopeful Flex Foundations – Newbie to Pro

Two years back, I was very interested in how Adobe Flex would change the way we build interactive sites. I was very fond of this software and still am interested in learning ‘mxml‘ whenever I find free time.

If you are like me (a beginner), then you would want to start somewhere basic and flexible. While searching through the World Wide Web (mainly Google), I found this article from Josh who concisely (arguable) lists tutorials that would take you from being a newbie to a ‘probable‘ pro.

Try it and tell me how you go with it!

10 Great Ways to Learn Flex « Josh Talks Flash.

Bible Interesting

Abraham Lincoln’s River Crossing

Today at Church of Christ New Zealand, our pastor (Peter Hargreaves) was talking about the King David and how even in midst of storm in his life, he has learned to trust God (Psalm 56). While illustrating this idea further, he told us about a story on Abraham Lincoln. Before becoming the president of United States of America, he was something else (dont remember exactly). Back then, they didnt have cars so they would travel by horses.

While traveling, one would have to cross through many obstacles such as rivers. The currents were becoming only greater while Abraham Lincoln and his men were crossing. They feared of this one big river that was way up ahead on their path named the ‘Fox‘ river. Night has dawned, so they took shelter at a near-by place where they met one of the minister who is renowned for travelling around the country.

So they asked him about the ‘Fox’ river that was up ahead in expectation of a helpful tip. This man looked at them and said, ‘I will never cross it until I reach it!

What a wise answer? We seem to worry about life and the possible outcomes even before we are in such situation. That’s exactly why Jesus said, today has enough burden of its own and not to worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6:34).


Fat Free CRM

Fat Free CRM

I have recently tested the Fat Free CRM software and I found it to be an excellent masterpiece. It has features that are great for any type of firm and they actually do work. The entire web interface is easy to access and even a ‘non-techie’  could easily find his way around in minutes.

Now some of you may argue that its based on Ruby on Rails so there is always an issue of high memory usage especially if you are running on VPS (256 Ram). I agree with you, infact this is one of the reason why i stopped using it. My hosting provider has pre-installed Ruby Enterprise 1.8 and Passenger on every RoR app, yet it still couldn’t hold its ties.
I am not trying to be critical on this app but this is the fact with every RoR app out there. You have to spend a good sum of money to optimize every cent of code if you want to continue using Ruby on Rails. But then again, RoR is an amazing programming language that developers like me just cant get our hands off from.

I’d say, If you are managing a small business, you should definitely give this a try. Its simple, it works as its supposed to and b
ut there are still a few bugs around here and there, especially with those ‘ajaxed’ elements.

Overall, I would say definitely give it a try! A possible ‘4’ out of 5. If you visit their webpage, you’ll find a quote that sums up exactly what I am trying to say.

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” — Mahatma Gandhi

Fat Free CRM – Ruby On Rails-based open source CRM platform.

External Links Funny Interesting Videos

Video: Mosquito filling up its tummy

I found this video posted on one of my friends wall and I’ve never seen a video so explicitly showing how those blood suckers transform from empty stomach in the morning to obese fat paps in 1 minute. Do you think they would continue sucking blood after this?

Videos Posted by Amazing Videos عجيب ولي واقعي: Amazing Videos”نیش پشه”.

Bible Interesting

Thursday Christian Fellowship

I just came back from our usual Thursday christian fellowship meetings and I just wanted to share something that struck me. Pastor King, said something near the very end of his gospel sharing. He quoted something like this….

…Mighty lions hunt alone….Mighty Eagles prey alone….Might Men of God walk alone….

He said this in context of his message in regards to how ‘faithful’ servants of God are so ‘unpopular’ and ‘unfavored’ among their own church and community. How true that above statement is? Might Men of God do walk alone but the spirit of God that is ‘invisible’ to men walks with them.